GM Walt ! I wanted to share a video that’s speaks to the point you make in your article. Highly recommend sharing with others.


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Nauseating. This is going to bring our Nation to the very brink of civil war. But yet, there are still those who will not let these things go on without fierce opposition. Ghana and MANY other Countries are simply saying NO! .....


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Unbelievable. What he says is completely unscientific! There is not one shred of evidence that backs up anything he says. That is not science. Feathers on a dinosaur have nothing to do with feathers on a bird. Any more than all the species of land animals that have legs. Feelings may be “natural”, but doesn’t make them right. If a serial killer has a desire to murder, he could say this is natural, but it doesn’t mean it’s right. His justification for being a homosexual has made him completely delusional, and that DOES cause harm. He intentionally ignores all the evidence that the Bible has been proven true, so he can hide in his pretend world. The truth is he probably isnt man enough to have a relationship with a woman....naturally

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"Reprobate mind."

"Even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind." ~ Romans 1:28

"All that hate Me," saith the LORD, "love death."

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Your insight is noteworthy. Thank you for sharing!

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Walt, this is very thought-provoking and enlightening. Of course I have wondered what the mark of the beast would be, a forced pharmaceutical injection, or microchip linked to a one world banking system.

But this makes a more sense that it would be people that have given over their souls in worshiping a false religion.

Pornography will play big roll in this as well. I have heard stories, first hand, from young people in dating situations where a boy tried to do something very strange, and the boy thought it was normal behavior. In one case, with a family friend, and their daughter who was raised in affluent Christian home, caught her fiancé with another man one week before their wedding. It was found out that pornography was to blame.

I had no idea there was a North American Man Boy Love Association, but not surprised. Daniel 11:37 indicates that the coming anti-Christ will be homosexual and Jewish. I immediately think of Yuval Noah Harari.

I believe the push to accept homosexuality will then lead to acceptance of sexual relationships with children, and with that, every other kind of relationship under the sun. And I believe that we are becoming desensitized to the exploitation of children. Interestingly satan worshipers practice child sacrifice as part of their rituals. Could the Mark be the blood on the hands of these pedophiles? The movie Sound of Freedom, sheds light on the industry of selling children and their blood, to be drunk for a euphoric sensation. How are we at a place that we are writing and seeing movies made about this. How much worse do things have to get?

Thank you for sharing!

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Here that Harari talks about a "great big man in the sky" being very angry when 2 men "love" each other. Of course, we know it isn't really love.


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Feb 14, 2024
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Thanks, Greg. Great analogy!

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